Water-Based Ink Cleaners
Flexo Shine™ cleaners are made for anilox rollers & flexo inks.

Redefining Yesterday’s Standards for Cleaning Anilox Rollers
When anilox rollers, plates, and other printing parts become bogged down by dried-ink deposits, printing quality and efficiency suffer. When quality and efficiency decline, printing companies lose money. Flexo Shine™ exists to improve the performance of anilox rollers and flexographic printers by elevating the expectations for anilox cleaning solutions. Tired of accepting under-performing flexo products, our founder vowed to develop a more effective, safer water-based ink emulsifier.
In 2009, after our chemical engineer created the breakthrough formula, we introduced ECO-I.C.E.™ Our first non-caustic ink emulsifier worked wonders on anilox rollers, increasing efficiency and reducing downtime for maintenance and replacement of worn parts. Demonstrations of our superior anilox cleaner led to a quick-growing client list and requests for additional flexo products. Today, Flexo Shine offers a full line of uniquely powerful ink emulsifiers and anilox roll cleaners that are proven safer—for your employees, your equipment, and the environment.
The deep-penetrating yet caustic-free formula in ECO-I.C.E. Super Concentrate emulsifies water-based flexo inks on contact, cleaning anilox rollers & equipment while suspending ink preventing it from re-depositing when circulated through your presses. ECO-I.C.E. is designed to clean and maintain the entire facility—from anilox rollers, blades, and pans to equipment & floors.
Clearly the best non-caustic ink emulsifier on the market, A.C.E. is known for thoroughly cleaning anilox rollers and equipment, even after dried ink has been left untouched for months. Some operators consider A.C.E. a deep cleaner. It boasts unrivaled ink dissolution technology and re-wets new and old ink on contact, effortlessly washing it away. It’s effective and safe for your people and equipment.
Illuminate, designed for plate washing machines, is excellent at breaking down flexographic water-based varnish and UV varnish inks. Illuminate works fast on heavy ink buildup, no matter how long it’s sat on your plates. Because it’s such a powerful ink remover, Illuminate works incredibly well for many other printing industry cleaning needs. For starters, Illuminate is an unbeatable maintenance cleaning product for your entire print area. Put Illuminate to work removing even the toughest varnish ink stains and spills on equipment, floors, and sink areas.
In the flexographic print world, investing in a deep cleaner with the power to restore anilox roll cell volume is critical to quality and profits. The poor print quality that comes with clogged print cells in your anilox roll can leave your company’s reputation spotty at best. Thankfully, Flexo Shine™ Deep Clean will restore your print cells to maximum cell volume, easily and safely! The innovative science behind Deep Clean outperforms all other deep cleaning solutions on the market.
Flexo Shine Low Foam is designed specifically for automated spray cabinet washers used for washing your flexographic printing equipment. It contains a rust inhibitor to help protect wash equipment against corrosion. Ideal for equipment and tools in heated recirculating systems that require low foaming cleaners.
Improve the cleaning efficiency in your automatic anilox roll wash machine with Anilox Auto Wash by Flexo Shine™. Specifically designed to quickly remove tough ink and extender buildup from anilox rolls, our formula does the job fast so you can get back to the business you do best—printing. Anilox Auto Wash is compatible with most automatic wash machines and contains the most advanced polymer and sequestration chemistry on the market for removing and suspending print inks, making it perfect for cleaning tough water-based, UV, solvent, and varnish inks.
Flexo Shine Lo pH formula is a powerful emulsifier with a low pH of 10.87 undiluted and maintains a pH above 10.0 when diluted to label specifications. The unique formula is non-corrosive and contains no caustic chemicals, VOCs, nor phenols. But does it work? Direct comparison against other brands proves Flexo Shine Lo pH outperforms the competition.